
Why isnt Ranbir Kapoor standing up for Alia Bhatt?

19 Aug 2020

Whats keeping the self-proclaimed brutally honestRanbirKapoorfrom defending his girlfriend AliaBhatt from all the vicious attack that she faces from the anti-nepotism mobs? If not defend, at least some sign of support fromRanbir? Everyone needs that sign of solidarity while facing a crisis. One hasnt heard a single protective word for Alia from RanbirKapoor.A very close friend of both Ranbirand Alia says, He is very non-interfering. But I agree. Which man wouldnt stand up for his loved ones when they are under attack, specially such vicious attack?Incidentally Ranbir himself has now been labelled a skirt chaser by the anti-nepotism squad which in an indirect way suggests the reason for his lack of support to those who depend on him emotionally.Another member of the so-callednepo-gang who has been viciously attacked, says its not wise for anyone to speak up. Anything anybody says can and will be held against him or her. Everyone who has an axe to grind withKaran JoharorMaheshBhattor theAkhtar family is jumping in. The best thing to do is not saying anything.Agreed. But how does Ranbirs silence make Alia feel?